Race Director Corner - Volume 5, Issue 1


2020 has certainly been one for the history books.  What have you done with your time.  Have you been like so many who are just sitting around waiting for things to get better, or have you been taking the time to prepare for the future.  At Athlete Guild, we have been working hard on preparing for what's next.  We have been amazed at the total lack of leadership and activity from our competitors.  They seem to be just riding it out and taking and wait and see attitude.  That's not the way that Athlete Guild does business though.  We have been at the forefront of the lifting of race restrictions.  If you have been to a race or been able to hold your own race, then you have us to thank for it.  We've been working behind the scenes with several area jurisdictions to provide protocols for safety to give local governments a plan to move forward.  Because of this, you our customer have been able to get back to racing.  It's not the same as before but it is certainly a step in the right direction.

In addition to our advocacy though, we have been working hard on technology to make the new normal much better.  We have completely eliminated paper from the whole registration process and provide solutions to allow registration right up to race time with no disruptions.  This allows you to provide a better service to your participants and a better experience for your event.  In addition to the registration process, we have improved our online results experience for live and dynamic results.  Your participants no longer have to wait until the timer has had time to print results out.  We have also eliminated the need for local tv monitors or kiosks which helps to eliminate gathering.  While we certainly can provide a great experience with the kiosk, the better approach is for the participant to simply look up their time on their phone immediately after crossing the line.  We want to encourage social distancing and this solves helps with that issue.

We will be introducing other technologies in the coming months that will also help to provide a better experience for your athletes.  We're excited to work with you in this new normal.

See you at the race!