Welcome to 2020! We are excited for the prospects of the new decade. We are especially excited for the opportunities in the racing business. Athlete Guild is now entering its 11th year of operations. Some of you have been with us from the very beginning and we really appreciate your business. We always look forward to helping your events in every way possible. While we are certainly a race timing company, we hope that to you we are so much more. Those of you who utilize all of our tools recognize the power of our online tools and what we can provide leading up to the event. For those of you who don’t make use of those, we certainly want to educate you and show you what we can do to ensure your success.
So the question is why do you host an event? While there are certainly a few that want to host an event purely for fun and education, most of you are in it to make money. Some of you may have a for-profit business that hosts events, but for the majority of you, the event helps provide much needed funding for your organization. This is where we come in. While Athlete Guild is certainly there to help with race day operations, our larger goal is to help your event be successful. We want your participants to have a great time, but our primary objective is to help you be financially successful. Race directors often misunderstand the relationship of their timer to the race. Race timing is a commodity item and while important to the participants, it is only one aspect of the overall operations. A good race timer should be focused on providing upfront services through additional marketing and operational support to the event. This is where Athlete Guild stands alone.
It is astounding to us that we are the only timing company around that actually concerns itself with marketing and participant outreach. Some timers may have an email list that they will use, but for the most part those lists are small and have very little reach. We have spent a decade building an impressive list of contacts and we use that list for outreach through our newsletter and social media campaigns. We’re excited to announce a new initiative this year that will give you even more power. We have an internal tool on our website that we call Mosaic. We have used this tool internally for years to help us with our newsletter and marketing services, but we are now going to be extending its power directly to you. This tool will allow you to create custom campaigns and track the effectiveness of those efforts. You have already had the ability to send out emails through our site to your current and past customers. This new tool will now give you the ability to create special campaigns on social media as well.
Our objective in 2020 is to provide you with a growing suite of tools to help your event grow. While we will certainly continue to provide our quality timing and race operation support, our focus will be on doing whatever we can to ensure your success in the planning, marketing, and execution of your event.