Race Director Corner - Volume 1, Issue 1


Welcome to this first issue of the Race Director Corner.  This monthly newsletter is brought to you by the professional? staff at Athlete Guild, LLC.  Athlete Guild has provided timing and race management services for over 10 years with a vast collection of information that we would like to share with you.   While we have several newsletters dedicated to upcoming events, this is the only newsletter intended solely for race directors.  Each month, we intend to provide tips, hints, and other information that will help you to promote and succeed at your next event.

?In addition, we will use this newsletter to show you the many features and services that ?Athlete Guild can provide.  While most of you are familiar with our timing services, there are many aspects to our registration, data management, and other online tools that are under-utilized.  We produce our own events, as well, so we fully understand the needs that you, as a race director, have.  Whether it is by improving your marketing efforts, helping with project management, or simply tracking your participants, our tools can help you.  We want to make sure you are making full use of our services to produce ?your best event.

A seasoned race director understands that a great event is more than just timing and race day operations.  Athlete Guild has a vast array of tools and services available to you which will help you from start up and preparation to the day of your event.  While timing is certainly important, it is the planning, operations, and marketing of the race that are the primary pain points for most race directors.  

We are always looking at areas where things run smoothly and efficiently, as well how we can best improve and provide additional guidance or services. Athlete Guild is here to help you have your best event!

 Please let us know how we're doing and how we can best help you!