Sunday, September 22, 20137:45 am CST
5639 Worth Parkway
San Antonio, Texas 78257

The San Antonio Kids Triathlon begins in the outdoor 5-lane pool. Transitions will take place in the front parking lot and then our young athletes will take off for the bike and run on closed roads throughout the Rim area. San Antonio Police and volunteers will be along the course to ensure safety.

Each athlete will be required to check in on race morning between 6:30-7:45 a.m. Registration tables will be set up to the right of the main doors outside the club. At check-in, prticipants will receive their timing chip and will be body marked. Body marking consists of writing the race number on the upper arm and age on the back of the calf. This is done to help identify the athletes when they are in the water.

Once body marking is complete you may head into the transition are to set up your bike. Parents will be allowed into the transition area to help set up but will NOT be allowed back into the transition area once the race has begun. The transition area will close at 7:45 a.m. and after that no one will be allowed into the barricaded area unless they are racing.

Athletes should report to the pool at least 15 minutes prior to their start time. Volunteers will hold signswith wave numbers. When your ave number is shown, please head down to the pool deck and connect with the volunteers.

Give Mom and Dad a good luck hug and kiss and it's off to the races!