This race is going to happen! As of July 27th 10:15 a.m. it is a go!
Due to ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic Concerns, the OneTwoTri event will adhere to the following guidelines:
We will follow State Guidelines:
The race is going to be conducted in as safe a manner as possible. This means limited crowds before and after the event. Triathletes are required to wear a mask before the event and afterwards. They are not required nor recommended during the event.
Registration will be Online only. There will be NO race day registration in order to limit handling of payments and maintain distancing.
Swimmers will be allowed to start in groups of 20 based on age. Participants will be allowed to start every minute until all participants are on the course.
There will be water on the run. Runners are encouraged to run with a refillable bottle.
Water and refreshments will be available at the conclusion of the race, but there will be no awards ceremony. Winners will be able to pick up your award at the awards table...6 ft apart...Masks.
Please be respectful of other athletes and race personnel. We want everyone to have a great time, but we are under tight restrictions by local authorities to conduct this event.