300 meter Swim* 12.7 mile bike * 2.5 mile run – Duathlon Options available
Beautiful Landa Park is the venue for this unusual Triathlon that features 2 swims. The first swim has you going off of a 2 story slide named Wet Willy, swim 150 meters, get out and walk to the Olympic Pool and swim 150 meters. The Cycling section features the awesome Hill Country rolling hills. The Run is along side the Landa Golf Course and through a quiet residential area.
Great Post Party food, Finisher Medals and Awards for all Races.
This event has a max of 400 participants and has sold out last 3 years.
Must signup before 10-4-2019 to be guaranteed a t-shirt!
You must be present to receive your award, we do not mail awards after the event.