Race start 7:00am
Race Day: Saturday check in at 5:00am at Rockin R located on the Beautiful Guadalupe River in the quaint town of Gruene Texas. The transition area will be towards the back of the parking lot. You must be body marked before you go to the transition. Event will be Chip Timed.
Swim: The 400 meter swim will be an out and back river swim
Run: The 3.3 mile run is a 1loop course on pavement in the City of Gruene.
Bike: The 13.4 mile bike course is an out & back course on lightly travelled roads. The Course is mainly on Country roads with gently rolling hills. There will be 5 Sheriff Deputies at intersections and main turns. Drafting is illegal and will not be tolerated. Be aware that the roads are open to traffic.
Special Camping rates available.
Awards: Awards to the top 3 age groupers M/F. Only one category on relay teams. M/F 19/under, 20-24,25-29,30-34,35-39,40-44,45-49,50-54,55-59,60-64,65-69, 70 and older.
Fat Tire and Du3 Options; Top 3 M/F
Packet Pickup
· Friday 5-17 - Soler Sports Stone Oak 4-7pm
· Saturday 5-18 Rockin R - 4-8pm
· Race Day – Extra $10 charge
All participants must have an annual USAT membership or a single day permit If you do not have your annual USAT card, you will be required to purchase a one day $12 pass, cash or check only.
Special Tubing Discounts available for Rockin R Triathlon Participants.