The 6th Annual K9-5K “Bark at the Moon” night run/walk will be held Saturday, September 20, 2014 at the Special Events Area of Riverside Park (311 Memorial Drive). Proceeds from the race will benefit the Dorothy O'Connor Pet Adoption Center (DOCPAC).
- Mail or visit DOCPAC. K95K Registration Form available here.
- Make checks payable to: DOCPAC - 135 Progress Dr., Victoria, TX, 77905
- $25 Before September 7th
- $30 After September 7th
- All Entry Fees Are Non-Refundable
- Participants are guaranteed a race t-shirt if registered by August 25th
- Early Packet Pickup: September 19th • 8:00am - 6:00pm at DOCPAC
- Race Day Registration - September 20th, 5:00pm - 7:30pm, the day of the event.
- Race Start Time: 8:00 p.m.
- Chip timed with awards by age category.
- Running headlamps recommended for 5K participants for their own safety and to help light the course.
- Costume contest for the best-lit participant – Have fun and get creative with L.E.D., light-up & glow accessories. Make your outfit shine, blink, glow & dazzle!
- Runners encouraged to bring family, friends, and canine companions!
All canine participants must be current on vaccinations and remain on leash at ALL times.