Saturday, November 30, 20133:00 pm CST
199 Park Rd 52
Stonewall, Texas 78671

Spectacular 5K Run. We have changed the course. This year's race will again be on the Saturday after Thanksgiving at 3pm. Parking will remain basically the same as last year, registration will be at the LBJ National Park Education Center which is 2 blocks west of where we started the race last year. After registration or packet pick up, there will be a less than quarter mile walk up the trail to the start/ finsish area at the Johnson Settlement event center.

The course will be 2 laps on a crushed granite gravel trail, with the start, 1/2 way point, and finish being at the Event center. It is a closed course contained within the LBJ National Park. No cars to fight with this year. Hope to see you there.

Race Day Registration: LBJ National Park Education Center from 1:30pm-2:30pm; checks or cash only; t-shirt not guaranteed; registration table will be marked.

Race Contact: Dawn Capra

Where: Park at the LBJ National Park Education Building on Lady Bird Lane, park headquarters or in the spaces nearby.

Sponsors: First Christian Church, Johnson City; LBJ National Park MV Productions

Regsiter online and pay through PayPal or register online and mail in your registration form.