Monday, October 20, 20149:00 am CST
104 River Drive East
Seguin, Texas 78155

District 27-AAA Cross Country Meet Schedule

Day: Monday

Date: October 20, 2014

Place: Max Starcke Park- Seguin, Texas

Meet Schedule: We will start at 9:00am and try to stay on schedule, but it may become a rolling schedule. Have your kids ready to run!

9:00am- Varsity Girls (2 miles)

9:20am- Varsity Boys (5K)

9:40am- JV Girls (2 miles)

10:00am- JV Boys (5K)

*Awards Ceremony as soon as the results are complete!

4:00pm- Jr. High Girls (2 miles)

• All Jr. High Girls will run together and count as ONE JR. HIGH TEAM. We will not give separate Team Medals to 7th grade teams or 8th grade teams. All Jr. High Girls will count as one team from their school. We will award Top 10 Individual Medals to the first ten 7th grade girl finishers and the first ten 8th grade girl finishers. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place Jr. High Teams will be awarded team medals.

4:30pm- Jr. High Boys (2 miles) Same as above for the Jr. High Boys.

*Awards Ceremony as soon as the results are complete!