Saturday, August 23, 20147:30 am CST
2601 Rattler Road
San Marcos, Texas 78666
Description: San Marcos High School Air Force JROTC sponsors the “RattleSnake Run & 5K/1 Mile FunWalk” as an Annual Back-2-School event.  First Place finishers in each division receive a handpainted RattleSnake Trophy!
Schedule: 6:30am - Registration and packet pickup
7:30am - 5K Run/Walk
Entry Fees:

$20 - Adults 18 and over
$15 - Students

Add $5 on race day

  • Unique “RattleSnake Run” T-Shirt guaranteed for early registrants
  • Start and Finish at San Marcos High School, 2601 Rattler Road, San Marcos TX
  • The 5K is a fast, out-and-back road course with rolling hills
  • Divisions:  Elementary/Middle School/High School/Adult 18-28/Adult 29-39/Masters 40+
  • Awards go to Male/Female Top 3 Finishers in each Division
Packet Pick-up: Raceday @ 6:30-7:30AM, San Marcos High School, San Marcos TX 78666
Contact: Lt Col (r) Anthony “Tony” Williams,, 210-701-0423