Friday, December 30, 20119:00 pm CST
805 West Ridge
San Juan, Texas 78589
Date and Time:
Division Date Time
3K Racewalk Fri. Dec. 30, 2011 9 am
1M Beg. Walk Fri. Dec. 30, 2011 9:30 am
1M Race Walk Fri. Dec. 30, 2011 10 am

FRIDAY: PSJA High School Stadium ,805 W. Ridge Rd., San Juan, Texas 78589.

Pre-Registration: Download application to mail or email submission
Race Day Registration: One hour before race at Liberty Middle School. 1212 S. First street, Pharr, Texas 78577

$10 Pre-Registration  by December 24, 2011 For all events.

$12 After December 24, 2011

FREE for Children 8 to 18 (not including t-shirt)

Packet Pick-up: One hour before race at Liberty Middle School
Prizes: Ribbons for 1st through 6th, 1M and 3K male and female racewalkers
Contact: Pharr chamber of commerce 956-787-1481