Annual 5K to benefit the Texas Burn Survivor Society
Saturday, February 09, 20198:30 am CST
Annual 5K to benefit the Texas Burn Survivor Society
Parking at MacArthur Park Church of Christ-1907 NE Loop 410
Late Registration & Packet Pick Up: 7:15 - 8:15 a.m.
Runners Start: 8:30 a.m.
Walkers Start: 8:35 a.m.
Awards Ceremony at Hacienda, Los Patios
Breakfast tacos & prize drawings after the race.
$40 for Individuals
$45 on Race Day
$30/participant for groups of 10 or more only until 2/07/2019.
Group participants pay full price until team size of 10 has been met and then will be refunded $10.
Online Registration open through 2/07/2019
Packet Pick Up: 2/07 & 2/08/2019. Noon -6:00 P.M.
Texas Burn Survivor Society office - 8531 N. New Braunfels, Ste 204
San Antonio, Texas 78217
Chip Timing by Athlete Guild
Prize Drawing following Awards Ceremony (must be present to win)