The Texas Institute of Investigation will conduct a as a participant will try to figure it out along a 3.1 route.
You will have clues, riddles and checkpoints to help you solve the mystery. Some runners will be will not know who!
You do not have to be the fastest runner to win! Use your detective skills and intuition to figure out the Mystery. We will give you points on each questions answered will go towards your race time...the most points with the fastest time will win.
Age Groups: 19-under, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69 & 70-over
Packet Pick Up: Race Day from 6:45-7:45 a.m.
When arriving at LBJ Park, drive all the way to the back of the park...past the Y, past the soccer fields...and park in the large parking lot by the soccer fields.
Fun! Food! Awards! Cool Shirts!
Proceeds: Heidi Search Center & Texas Instititue of Investigation