Saturday, December 14, 20137:30 am CST
6030 Padre
San Antonio, Texas 78214

Race Day Registration and Packet Pickup

6:15 to 7:15 am
MIssion County Park, Pavilion #2

Fees (Includes T-Shirt) No Refunds

5 Miler: Through December 8th, SARR, Military, under 18, $20, Others $25. Dec 9th thru Race Day - $30 for all
10 Miler: Through December 8th, SARR, Military, under 18, $35, Others $40. Dec 9th thru Race Day - $40 for all


5 Miler: 1st Overall Male/Female, 1st Masters Male/Female
10 Miler: 1st Overall Male/Female, 1st Masters Male/Female, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 14 and under, then 5 year increments thru 80+

Door prizes by drawing - Must be present to win