Friday, November 06, 20157:00 pm CST
Beachfront Pavilion
521 Seabreeze
Rockport, Texas 78382
Description: AIM for the Coast this Fall and come to Rockport to participate in an evening glow run.  Come on down to Rockport this Fall but make sure you take AIM for the Coast.

AIM Hospice was founded right here in Rockport.  AIM's name is abbreviated from Mrs. Kathleen Akin, Ms. Frances Iles and Ms. Mary Murphy.  These women firmly believed in the concept of hospice comfort in your own home with friends and family.  In 1986, Akin, Iles and Murphy formed a hospice program to serve Rockport and it's surrounding areas.

The lack of sufficient funding is an ongoing hardship which is relieved, in part, by grants and donations. We sincerely appreciate the support given by individuals and the community.  Your generosity has helped keep hospice services available to all who need them, regardless of their ability to pay.

AIM Hospice's goals are to provide utmost quality of services to our patients, families and the community. We believe it is your right to make decisions regarding end-of-life care.  Hospice is about increasing the quality of days remaining, in your own environment with loved ones and the support of our compassionate hospice staff.

Referrals or request for information may be directed to the AIM Hospice Office at 361-729-0507 or by visiting our Office located at 703 E. Concho St, Rockport, TX 78382.

Schedule: 5:00pm - Registration and Packet Pickup
7:00pm - Glow Run (5K and 2 Mile)
Entry Fees:

2 Mile Run/Walk (ages 4 and over)
$25 - Until October 19th
$30 - October 20 through November 5th
$35 - Race Day

5K Run/Walk (ages 6 and over)
$25 - Until October 19th
$30 - October 20th through November 5th
$35 - Race Day

Register Now and $ave
No additional online registration fees.  "The Price is the Price"!
Online Registration Closes at midnight on Thursday, November 5th
Additional: Commemorative white AIM fot the Coast T-Shirt
Glow in the Dark Tattoo
Race bib with chip timer
Run through each Glow Section
Supports AIM Hospice
Glow Pack given at finish line
Admission to AIM for the Coast GLOW after party
Raffle Drawing:

Purchase raffle tickets for your chance to win one of these incredible gifts!  3 Items = 3 drawings!  $20/ticket.

 Drawing will be held November 7th @ 2pm at the Rockport Beach.  You do not have to be present to win.  Raffle prizes include:

1.    A 2016 custom fit Diverge Elite DSW bike OR a 2016 Custom Dolce Women's bike from the Pedal Bike Shop in CCTX valued at $1500 

2.   An 11' Adventure "All Arounder" Paddle Board and Paddle from the Board House 

3.  A one-of-a-kind 2015 Budweiser Road Bike

Team Challenge:

The teams that raise $1000 or more will receive 20% back to their school or chosen non-profit organization!

Three categories for teams:  High School, Middle School, and Open

Cancellation / Refund Policy: This is a fundraiser event so no refunds will be provided and no cancellations will be accepted.  If the event or a part of the event is cancelled due to weather, we will still have the post-event food and drink.  Thank you for your understanding.

Overall Male and Female, Overall Masters (40+) Male and Female and Overall Grand Masters (60+) Male and Female
1st / 2nd / 3rd Age Group Awards for Male and Female.

Age Groups: 6-9, 10-14, 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70 plus

Packet Pickup:

Wednesday, November 4th from 12 noon – 6pm : Diamante Azul Day Spa and Salon - 620 E Market St, Rockport, TX 78382;  (361) 729-2985
Thursday, November 5th  from 12 noon – 6pm : The Pedal Bike Shop  - 5439 Everhart Rd, Corpus Christi, TX 78411;  (361) 852-3343
Friday, November 6th  from 5pm – 6:45pm : Rockport Beach, 1st Pavilion  - 210 Seabreeze Dr, Rockport, TX 78382

Race Day Registration: Friday, November 6 starting at 5:00pm.  Registration will close at 6:45 so please arrive early if you are going to register.  Register now and $ave.
Contact: 361-729-0507,
