Saturday, October 27, 20187:30 am CST
520 Pleasure Pier Blvd
Port Arthur, Texas 77640

This year, we are holding the race a week earlier than usual, which makes it a perfect time to celebrate Halloween!  Wear a costume!  There will be an award given randomly for a costumed runner!  Fun!  

Half Marathon and 10K, take on the challenge of a bridge 5,032 feet in length and 165 feet above the Sabine-Neches Canal, come right back over the bridge and then enjoy cruising around the rest of the island. 
2 Mile participants, enjoy the speed of a flat, fast course. No bridge for you!
Overall and Age group trophies for all three distances.
Finisher's Medals for Half Marathon and 10K finishers. The course time limit is 3 hours. This means you would have to hold at least a 13 minute mile to do the half marathon distance. If you cannot hold this pace or faster, we suggest you register for the 10K. The 10K also goes over the bridge.
