Saturday, December 07, 20196:00 am CDT
21901 FM 762 Rd
Needville, Texas 77461

Distances: 100 mile, 50m, 26.2 marathon, and 13.1 half marathon

COURSE DESCRIPTION: The Brazos Bend course is the fastest trail in Texas trail running. The course is 99.9% flat, and the only hill is 10 feet. Other than that you will be running on flat surfaces that move from hard crushed rock, soft trail under canopy, and easy horse trails. The 50 mile will top out at 300 feet of gain total, and the 100 miler will have 600 feet of gain total.

HOLIDAY COSTUME CONTEST: Wear something festive! An elf suit, a complete nativity scene with your friends, run a whole race as two people in a reindeer costume, etc. At least wear some reindeer antlers headband. C'mon, it'll be fun! :D

Or I'll tell Santa to put coal in your stocking. We will award the TOP 3 Costumes a 100% comped entry into any future solo race on the schedule. 


Website link for more information: