Saturday, July 28, 20127:30 am CST
212 W Moore Ave
Moulton, Texas 77975


WHEN:            Saturday, July 28, 2012.  The race starts at 7:30am.  Packet pick-up and race day registration begins at 7:00am.  Kids Jam race for kids 10 and under (one quarter mile) will begin at 8:15 am.

WHERE:           Packet pick-up and race day registration will be behind TK Fit personal training and Kloesel Construction, located at 212 W. Moore Avenue in Moulton (park along Moore or downtown on Main Street and follow signs).

COURSE:        Scenic course through Moulton with a partial out and back along paved country road.  Water stops along course with refreshments at the finish line!

AWARDS:       100% cotton t-shirts guaranteed to all entrants registered by July 13. Shirts may be limited for race day registration. Overall male & female & top masters male & female will receive trophies or plaques.  The top 3 finishers in each age group will receive a medal.  Age divisions for men & women are: 14 and under; 15-19; 20-29; 30-39; 40-49; 50-59; 60-69; 70+.

ENTRY FEE:      $20 per runner/walker registered no later than July 13, 2012.  Late & race day registration will be $25.  Kids race entry fee $10. Entry fee is non-refundable.  Make checks payable to: Moulton Jamboree 5K.  All proceeds will go to the Jamboree.