Saturday, May 11, 20197:30 am CST
604 N Coyote Dr
La Joya, Texas 78560

For middle and High school aged youth Suicide is the second leading cause of death. On average, there are 129 suicides per day in the US. In an effort to reach our children before summer break, we have organized the second annual 5K run/walk for Suicide Prevention. Please join our efforts.

It is our hope that no other family must endure the loss of a child and struggle with the unanswered questions, heartache and shattered dreams that suicide leaves behind. You can make a difference!

Please know that if you feel sad, or if you are struggling it is ok. It’s OK to not be OK, however, it’s NOT ok to think you must do it alone. Remember that life’s symphony is created with the high and low notes we play through. You will get through this, reach out.

Race Day Schedule
07:30 AM - 5K Run/Walk
Entry Fees

Entry fee $24.00 early registration

Late registration $29.00

LJ ISD students $5.00  (must bring proof of enrollment at packet pick up) 

LJ ISD students late registration $10.00

For student rate, select option on second page of registration to receive discount.

Award Categories
5K Run/Walk
Overall Male/Female
Top 3 Male/Female in age groups:
     1-14, 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, 80-98, 99-99
Packet Pickup

Payne Mission VW dealership, 2003 E Exp 83, Mission TX

Wens and Thursday from 3 to 7 pm


La Joya VFW Post 912 E. EXP 83, La Joya, TX 78560

Wens and Thursday from 3 to 7pm


For more information Email:

Contact Info

Email Questions to: EM3HOPE@GMAIL.COM