Saturday, March 29, 20149:00 am CST
215 Kipp Ave
Kemah, Texas 77565

Last year more than 13,500 women volunterred at 325 events across the United States for the Habitat for Humanity National Women BUild Week. IN 2013, about 2,100 Women Build events took place in the U.S. The Women Build program continues to grow across international borders, empowering women everywhere to address poverty housing for themselves, their familes and their beighbors. Dozens of international Women Builds have taken place, and the program aims to direct financial assistance to women-led projects worldwide.

The Bay Area Habitat for HUmanity Women Build Project encourages women ffrom our local community to become advocates for ending substandard housting! Women are a powerful social and economic force with the means to both fund and contruct quality, affordable homes where children can grow. Through the Women build project, teams lef by women, are engage in the entire home building process from fundraising to the construction of the home. The Women Build project provides an opportunity for women to learn new skills, participate in team-building activities, and make a lasting difference for a family's fight against substandard housing.

First Step: Build a Team

Platinum Teams: $5000

  • Team of walkers
  • 2 full days on the worksite with construction lessions
  • Team name on home signage
  • Women Build caps with rhinestones
  • Website recognition of your team/organization name

Gold Team: $2,500

  • Team of walkers
  • 2 full days on the worksite with contruction lessons
  • Team name on home signage
  • Team name to appear on 2014 Women Build shirts
  • Website recognition of your team/organization name

Individual Walker: $35

Circle of Women

The Circle of Women is a group of individual women who want to contribure in a big way! Each member of the Circle of Women engages their giving circle to make a significant individual gift. The Circle of Women are strong advocates and proud sponsors of Bay Area families! Each member og the Circle of Women will receive a special Circle of Women pin to displat on their shirt during the 5K Walk.

Individual Gift: $1,000

  • Building no the worksite year-round as time allows, with construction lessions.
  • Individual Name on home signage
  • Individual Name to appear on 2014 Women Build shirts
  • Special Recognition at Bay Area Habitat's annual Dream Bulder's Circle breakfast April 10, 2014.