Saturday, November 04, 20179:00 am CST
602 South Shoreline
Corpus Christi, Texas 78401

A local community-focused event in "Helping People Live With Alzheimer's" by raising awareness and funds for education, resources and respite.

Our event promotes awareness and education about Alzheimer's disease, provides respite support (in-home or short-term inpatient care), and facilitates training and educational resources for family members. The short-term, expedited respite care for family caregivers allows them some much needed relief from their "24/7" care.

The event includes a 2-mile awareness walk, Resource fair, refreshments, entertainment, games & activities, prizes & awards.  Donations may also be made in honor of a loved one. Awards will be presented for the following categories:

  • Top Individual
  • Top Team
  • Top Corporate Team
  • Youngest/Oldest Walker
  • Best Unique Outfit
  • Most Spirited Team
  • School Spirit

Those wishing to participate in the Walk are required to complete the registration form.  For a donation of $50 or more, each walker will receive a t-shirt commemorating the Walk.  Team registrations are also available.  Online registration is preferred.  For more information, call us at 361.238.7777 or  Thank you in advance for your support and we look forward to your participation.