Chip timed for runners only. NO awards - this is a fun run. Post-race party with BBQ plate, fruit, beer, refreshments and music. Technical shirts for all participants who register by August 10, 2013. Entire course marked with glow sticks and cones. **Headlamp or flashlight required**
Course on the beach will be marked with glow sticks and comes from start to finish line. There will be at least 1 water stop at approximately 2 miles. North Beach is out and back on flat, soft sand course (No Dunes). Headlamp or flashlight required! Post-race BBQ plate, fruit, refreshment, music and beer (for responsible participants of age) immediately following the race at the start/finish area.
Souvenirs: Bring your cash for t-shirts and other souvenirs.
Must be 15 years oldon the race day; no one under the age of 15 for safety reasons.