Brief Description
The 11th Annual Brownwood Reunion Celebration features a 5K/10K Run sponsored by Landmark Life Insurance and Brownwood Regional Medical Center. The race route goes through the historic city of Brownwood. Fun and activities all day long with midway, carnival, car show, live music, artisans, food vendors and plenty of children's activities just to mention a few. Nightime entertainment includes names such as Kevin Fowler, Bart Crow Band, Johnny Cooper and of course - fireworks!
Lehnis Railroad Museum is at the corner of Congress and E. Adams. Downtown will be barrickaded, so you need to enter either from the North off of C.C. Woodson Drive, left on Milton Ave. (behind the Brownwood Coliseum), straight across to Sharp St. and right on N. Washington. There will be signs leading you to the parking area on the left. Coming from the South off of Vine St. - Go north on Vine, under the railroad underpass, then right onto S. Washington and parking is on your right.
Additional Information 10K will start at 7:30 a.m., with 5K at 8:00 a.m. and walkers to follow thereafter. 5K/10K awards include: Overall male and female runners, 12 age divisions for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place medals for male and female divisions. Trophy for 1st place Teams. Door prize drawings will take place during the awards ceremony with all participants eligible for Reunion prizes including tickets to the Saturday night entertainment. Parking for event is available on S. Washington.