Saturday, November 10, 20129:00 am CST
9300 Bee Cave Rd
Austin, Texas 78733

Remember having fun runnng through the woodsm chasing frogs or butterflies, and coming home with dirty clothes and leaves in your hair? Welcome to the Women on the Trails 5K Trail Series!

Each 5K race offers a fun and challenging event for women who are new to trail running or for experienced runners who are looking for a different type of race venue. The race is capped at 100 participants to keep the event fun and personal, and spectators are welcome to volunteer and cheer!

The course is a mix of dirt, rock, and mulch and features rolling terrain with the exception of what we are calling "Holy Hill" (as in holy cow that's a BIG hill!) Part of the race is on a disc golf course so bring your frisbee!