What is a virtual run? A virtual run event can be any distance or goal you wish to obtain, with the time and date you have available, with your choice of locations. The HEALTHY REVOLUTION VIRTUAL RUN will RUN January 1 -31, 2015 to kick-off the HEALTHY REVOLUTION TOUR 2015.
A virtual race can be done at any venue that you wish. You can walk, jog, skip or run the distance of your choice. You can complete your race at the gym on a treadmill, a practice run in town, a stroll in the park, or another local racing event. We believe in the honor system and our is support your efforts of living a HEALTHY lifestyle. We know you are AWESOME and we'd love it if you'd upload pictures and tell us about your experience on our Facebook page.
All HEALTHY REVOLUTION participants will receive a Dane Boyle Fitness sneaker charm symbolizing their commitment to a HEALTHY REVOLUTION!
Why should you be a part of the Inaugural Dane Boyle Fitness Healthy Revolution?
1. You are amazing!
2. You believe in a HEALTHY REVOLUTION!
3. You want to encourage people to move and remain healthy and independent as long as possible.
Who can participate?
Anyone and everyone! There is no age limit and there are no restrictions. So run, jog, walk, crawl, run alone, run in a group, run with your pet, run on a treadmill, it doesn't matter. Just get up, get out and get moving!
When will I receive my Dane Boyle Fitness sneaker charm?
All Dane Boyle Fitness sneaker charm will be mailed out within 30 days of completion of the race.
Please specify heart shape or round Dane Boyle Fitness Sneaker charm.
Still have questions?
email: dane@daneboyle.com
Prepare, Plan, Execute
Dane Boyle, c.p.c
Director of Direction
Independent Life Coach