18216 Weiss Lane
Pflugerville, Texas 78660
Fastest Male
Fastest Female
20141Daniel Witcher19:3243Sheila Wiora24:2668
20151Calvin Householder19:1258Julie White21:1476
20161Aidan Weathers20:2235Marie Walker21:1161
20171Kyle Norman18:5634Hillary Cauthen21:4358
20181Taylor Marine21:1038Kayla Tate21:2453
20191Eric Dobriceanu17:1943Hillary Cauthen23:2251
20201Michael Shensky Jr24:044Christina Shensky36:066
20211Lance Bautista24:312Madison Heinrichs27:189
20231Drew Fieleke18:4433Fiona Graves24:0137

Events column is the total number of events for that year
Count column is the total number of participants for that year

Total number of events for this route: 10

Page Activity