410 Post Hill St
Mason, Texas 76856
Fastest Male
Fastest Female
20111David McNally22:2114Jacie Rychlik23:0945
20121Javier Escobar19:1621Drazan Lori Ann25:3247
20131Spenser Beirschwale24:0220Sara Virsell26:3139
20141Javier Escobar20:4216Sarah Pledger20:4839
20151Spencer Bierschwale20:3624Angelica Ramirez21:5536
20161Marcelo Segura18:2721Raegan Palacio26:1319
20171Marcelo Segura20:1118Sha Thomas21:4624
20181Marcello Segura21:0216Sha Thomas23:1019
20191Jeremy Duarte22:0917Sha Thomas24:0517
20221Ben Morales22:3041Sha Thomas23:3388
20231Benjamin Morales20:0425Adalie Thomas22:3765

Events column is the total number of events for that year
Count column is the total number of participants for that year

Total number of events for this route: 11

Page Activity