1001 Fannin Street
Houston, Texas 77002
Fastest Male
Fastest Female
20111Chisholm Macdonald 7:21144Deyna Aguilera 8:37159
20121Jacob Lefler 6:31143Kimberly Newton 8:59157
20131Benjamin Lefler 7:11142Sarah Johnson 8:44135
20141Robert Elliott 7:1673Nancy Lamb 8:38113
20151Zeeshan Malik 7:1281Amanda Smith 8:4571
20161Robert Elliott 7:3938Nina Springer11:1735
20171Robert Elliott 7:4857Kelly Ibbetson 9:3272
20181Harrison Kieffer 6:1355Debbie Demeo 9:0181
20191Harrison Kieffer 6:3169Amanda Conover 8:32113

Events column is the total number of events for that year
Count column is the total number of participants for that year

Total number of events for this route: 44

Page Activity