Saturday, November 05, 20228:00 am CST
600 SH Hwy 97 W
Floresville, Texas 78114

EVERY registered participant gets a Mutt Strut 5k medal! Everyone! 

Join us for the 5th annual MUTT STRUT 5K run, walk, or strut to raise funds for our community animal shelter! Leashed dogs are welcome!

Race day check in begins at 8am; 5K Run begins at 9am; followed immediately by the fun run, walk, or strut.

Light refreshments will be available for participants! 

Race Day Schedule

08:00 AM - Registration and packet pickup
08:00 AM - 5K Run/Walk
08:00 AM - 2K Fun Run

Entry Fees

$35 for non-members

$30 for WCRR Members  **Click on WRCC Member when checking out**

$45 on race day (no shirt guaranteed)

Award Categories
5K Run/Walk
Overall Male/Female
Top Male/Female in age groups:
2K Fun Run
No age group awards
Additional Info

Please join us even if you don't bring your dog!

Light refreshments for participants.

Special thanks to the San Antonio River Authority.

Contact Info
Alena Berlanga,