Saturday, October 08, 20168:00 am CST -
Saturday, October 08, 20166:00 pm CST
5940 McNaughton
Kyle, Texas 78640

Plum Creek Challenge includes the following 4 events, please see each race page for event-specific information: Negley Races, Front Porch Days Races, Popsicle Races, Hooteanny on the Hill Races

You must register for the Challenge by March 1 to partake of these amazing prices!  After March 1, you must register for each event individually.  All participants completing the 4 events will be part of the awards for challenge completion at the Hootenanny on the the Hill in October.  Registering specifically for the Challenge (outlined below) is a treat for your pocketbook!

Plum Creek Challenge 

$65 - Long Track - Negley (3/5-5K), Front Porch Days (5/14-10K), Popsicle Run (7/4-4miler), and Hootenanny (10/8-10K)

$50 - Short Track - Negley (3/5-5K), Front Porch Days (5/14-5K), Popsicle Run (7/4-4miler), and Hootenanny (10/8-5K)

$35 - Mini Long Track - Negley (3/5-3K), Front Porch Days (5/14-3K), Popsicle Run (7/4-3K), and Hootenanny (10/8-3K)

$30 - Mini Short Track - Negley (3/5-1K), Front Porch Days (5/14-1K), Popsicle Run (7/4-1K), and Hootenanny (10/8-1K)

Finisher medals and exclusive long-sleeve shirts awarded for each individual who completes all four races. Overall Male and Female Series Champion designations for 10 and Under, Adult, and Masters (60 and over) will be based on fastest times for Long Track or Short Track Divisions. 

No team discounts are available for the Plum Creek Challenge because, really, where else can you find prices like THESE for FOUR races??

Race questions?  Call or email Jennifer Crosby – 512-376-8089,

Race Management provided by For the Love of Go -


Series Events

Series Start: Saturday, October 08, 2016 @ 8:00 am CST
Series Finish: Saturday, October 08, 2016 @ 6:00 pm

Events in the Series