Saturday, April 20, 20138:30 am CST
104 River Drive East
Seguin, Texas 78155



Bike Tour to benefit local charities

Be sure to stay after the event and be a part of the Ladies State Chili Cook-off festivities. The third Saturday in April, Starcke Park will fill up with RV’s carrying Chili Cooks and their friends. Before long, they fire up their stoves and soon the aroma of Chili can be found throughout the park. The public is welcome to come out and enjoy the festivities, do a little shopping and most importantly JUDGE CHILI. With approximately 200 chili’s to judge, there is a great need for Judges. If you chose to judge, you will be tasting 10 -12 chili’s. Beverages and condiments are provided for a pleasant judging experience. You must be 18 or older to judge. We look forward to seeing you at both the Texas Ladies State Chili Championship and the Guadalupe Sunrise Rotary Bike Tour.


$30 - Individual
$40 - Day of registration
$10 - Family ride - No Tshirt

Must be registered by April 13, 2013 to guarantee a t-shirt

Packet Pickup: Guadalupe Regional Wellness, 1339 E. Court Street, Seguin, TX 78155
Friday - April 19, 2013, 8am - 7pm
Saturday - April 20, 2013, 7:15am - 8:15am
Contact: Guadalupe Regional Wellness Center
1339 E. Court Street, Seguin, TX 78155