Saturday, May 15, 20217:30 am CST
504 E City Park Rd
Lockhart, Texas 78644

Fast, furious and fabulous gravel roads in and around the BBQ capital of the world! No license required, FREE number plate and chip timing for all racers.

100+, 65+, 47+ and 30 mile routes available. 30, 47+ and 65+ routes will be fully marked. The 100+ route will be self navigated where it separates from the 65+ mile route. FREE access to the Ride With GPS navigation app is included with entry. We highly recommend using GPS navigation to ALL riders as a backup just in case. Neutral water tables will be available for all routes except the 30 miler. Stores are available on all routes except the 30 miler. Races are considered self supported. No support vehicles allowed on course or handups from friends/family members/non riding teammates. Sweep vehicle will be on course at the end of the day but we will not have SAG vehicles available. Please arrange for your own transportation if you are unable to complete the ride for any reason. Please call 911 in case of emergency. Riders are expected to follow the Traffic Code for the State of Texas. Helmets required, no power assist bicycles allowed except for course marshals.

Beginner Grind is FREE for Club Spinistry members, all other distances are 50% off for Club Spinistry members. Please don't register for the Beginner Grind and do a longer distance. It is truly meant for people new to gravel or those who might be coming back after being off the bike for some time. Non competitive participants are asked to start 5 minutes after racers' start for each distance.

100+ Mile  Awards - Top 3 Overall, Top Female. Awards may be expanded with higher participation.
65+ Mile Awards - Top 3 Male, Top 3 Female, Additional Top in Age/Gender Awards based on registrations.
45+ Mile Awards - This is a training race so bragging rights, pride and glory for all!

Preliminary routes will be released to registered participants one week before the event. Routes are not considered final until they are marked and verified the day before the event.

More details soon.
