Saturday, May 19, 20125:30 am CST
201 Charger Blvd
Boerne, Texas 78006
WHO: 1,000 riders from South Texas and surrounding areas
WHAT: The American Diabetes Association’s Tour de Cure showcases a one day ride   from Boerne throughout the beautiful Texas Hill Country.  Riders secure    funds in advance of the event and receive  incentive prizes for  their    fundraising.  All riders will enjoy a safe and  well marked route, superior SAG   (support and gear),  medical  support, and outstanding volunteer support.
WHEN: Saturday, May 19, 2012
WHERE: Champion High School – Boerne, TX

 Century  (100 miles)      Hill Country Hundred
100 K  (62 miles)            Metric Century            
50 K  (31 miles)              Metric-Half Century Ride         
20 K  (12.5 miles)          Family Fun Ride       
1 mile loop                     Miracle Mile – Not on the open road, on campus grounds

Routes Finish: Boerne, TX  
Early Bird Registration Fee:   $15
Registration Fee after March 5: $25

Fundraising Minimum:  $200
Fundraising Minimum for ages 14 & under: $50

Champions Dinner held on Friday, May 18th– All riders at $1,000 and above will be invited to enjoy, food, music, entertainment and pre-ride fun!