Saturday, December 08, 20128:30 am CST
5931 Roft Road
San Antonio, Texas 78253



1. One Beer. * (must be 21)

2. Three bands.

3. Rock’n Rumble Pit.

4. Gladiator “San Antonio” Finishers Medals.

5. Cool Gladiator Rockn Run T-shirt.

6. A Commemorative Red Mad-dog Mohawk(limited to first 1000)

7. Respect, props, and fist bumps

8. The most insane day of your life.

9. A memory that will echo into eternity.

10. Bad-ass post race party.

* Each participant receives one as part of registration. Dont be an idiot. Dont drink and drive.


* Tube Steak * The Pit * Fools Spools * Skid Marks * Tire Mountain * Dumpster Dive * Mud Madness * Terrible Tires * Hells Hills* Cargo Congo Climb * Wall of Fame/ Wall of Shame * Spider’s Web * The Beast * Buddha’s Burden * Gladiator Barbecue * Two Mystery Nightmare Obstacle