Tuesday, February 26, 20136:00 pm CST
713 Congress Ave
Austin, Texas 78701



Pub Run Event + Screening

Tuesday, February 26th

Pub Run @ 6:00pm | Film @ 7:30pm

The Stateside Theatre and The Rattle Inn

Every runner will receive a Moontower Comedy Festival special surprise when they return to the theatre from Rattle Inn…

Pub Run + Screening – $15

- Ticket includes film and pub run admission, complimentary pints of locally-brewed beer, and a special gift.

“Party at the Moontower!”

This time around, we’ll meet at the Stateside Theatre and set off on a half mile run/walk to Rattle Inn on Nueces Street for a pint of complimentary beer from Live Oak Brewing Company. From there, we’ll take the half mile back to the Stateside for more pints and a 7:30pm screening of Dazed and Confused.

Event benefits Creative Action and the historic Paramount Theatre.