Saturday, June 11, 20118:30 am CDT
11 St. Lukes Ln.
San Antonio, Texas 78209

On Saturday, June 11th, the youth of St. Luke's Episcopal Church will host the One-Step 5k.  Proceeds from the race will benefit the construction of a meditation garden at Ronald McDonald House and this summer's mission trip to Uganda.  You can race, you can jog, or you can walk, but please come out to show your support.  To register, make a donation, or for more information, see

The race fee is $30.  You can pay by credit card on our website.  You can also pay by cash or check in the St. Luke's office or $35 by cash or check on the day of the race.  If, for any reason, you cannot be present on the day of the race, and you have pre-paid, your registration fee will become an in-kind donation.  We cannot refund registration fees.  There is no need to register or pay a fee for the kids fun-run.

Kids' Fun Run at 8:00am
5k Run/Walk at 8:30am
Finish Line Celebration after race.

Elizabeth Allen
(210) 828-6425