The Salvation Army and the Texas Army National Guard have partnered together to raise funds for our neighbors in need in the New Braunfels area. This 5K March for Hope being held at Landa Park on Saturday, July 24th, 7:30 AM is a canned food drive and fundraiser. This event will help stock The Salvation Army food pantry to feed hungry families and send at-risk children to summer camp as well as other youth programs and provide shelter and feed local veterans in need.
Runners are encouraged to collect canned food goods to carry in a backpack on the walk.
March for Hope is open to all. Because of social distancing guidelines, we will be limited to 500 participants. Trophies will be awarded to the Youngest Participant Ages 9-16, Fastest Individual, Heaviest Load and The Most Canned Food collected and the Most Funds raised. We are accepting donations for door prizes and run packets. Thank You!