Marathon had already been the site of informal marathons for three years--- with runners from El paso, Austin, Washington state, Oregon and Marathon-- when Susan Combs, Texas Agriculture Commissioner, local ranch owner and currently,Texas Comptroller, started the Marathon2Marathon in 2003.
Unlike the local annual races, which had been run along the hilly winding southern trek of U.S. 385 from Spring Creek Ranch morth into town, Commissioner Combs and Runtex director Paul Carrozza of Austin decided to move the race site for the first Marathon2Marathon to U.S. 90 with contestants running east from the outskirts of Alpine into Marathon. In 2011, the course was moved to the more scenic Highway385 course whichis a faster course with less highway traffic.
And thus it has remained, with interest in the event growing bigger each year. The M2M is a sanctioned and certified race, meaning it is a Boston qualifying tace. Responsibility for the race has fallen on Marci Roberts of the French Company Grocer/ Evans Gallery and Danny Self of Marathon Motel.
It still remains ints small-town, West Texas- friendly atmosphere, and has become the focus on M2M weekend festivities in Marathon. A street festival with music and fun during the day, along with a party and award caeremony in the evening. Giving visitors time to shop in local shops and visit the many art galleries.
Volunteers from Ft. Stockton and Marathon ORganizations sign up volunteers to host the water stops, offering water or Gatorade to runner along the route.There is a prize for the best water stop. Local law enforcement, including Brewster and Pecos County Sheriff departments, Texas DPS, Border Patrol, and local volunteers monitor the course to assure safety.
It seems fitting that Marathon, established in 1882 and given its name by seafaring Capt. Albion Shepard, who said the desert area surrounded by mountains reminded him of Marathon in Greece, continues to host an annual event recalling that famour run fro mthe village of Marathon northeast of athens to notify the city that a Persian army had been deteated there in 490 BC.